Homeschooling, Home & Hospital Instruction, Remote Learning… What Do They All Mean?!
Understanding terms is important. Use this factsheet to understand the difference between home school, home and hospital instruction, and remote learning.
Free Appropriate Public Education
Use this factsheet to understand what it means to truly have Free and Appropriate Public Education.
School Policy vs. IDEA
School has started which means there are many policies and guidance being sent. Here is a quick one-pager to remind you of the importance of your child’s IEP.
Questions to Ask Your Child’s School Team for Support with Behaviors
PPMD collaborated with TIES Center to bring you a factsheet that will help you ask questions to your child’s school team to support your child’s behaviors at home during distance learning.
Transition in Maryland – 5 Tips for Families
Its Back to School Time! During this time of COVID when so many parents are figuring out and doing a great job around virtual learning, others are also thinking about transition. Transition planning is as important as reading and math. It is important for you, as the family of a student with a disability, to actively participate and partner in the transition planning process. In this video, we will provide you with Five helpful tips for developing a strong transition plan that will help your student with disabilities achieve their greatest potential. For questions about transition please contact The Parents’ Place of Maryland at 1-800-394-5694.
School Decision-Making Tool for Parents, Caregivers, and Guardians
The CDC developed this tool to help parents, caregivers, and guardians weigh the risks and benefits of available educational options to help them make decisions about sending their child back to school.