Maryland Statewide Individualized Education Program (IEP) Process Guide
PPMD’s State Special Education [IDEA] Complaint Toolkit
Military Glossary for Special Education and Exceptional Family Military Program
Preparing for Your Child’s IEP Meeting
Child Find and How to Refer – Age 3-21

This document describes the school systems’ obligation to locate, identify and evaluate children who are suspected of having a disability; ages 3-21. Local “Maryland Child Find” phone numbers are provided.

Resource: PDF Child Find and How to Refer - Age 3-21
S.M.A.R.T. IEP Goals: Questions to Consider

It is important for IEP goals to be measurable, specific, realistic and attainable. This factsheet explains and provides examples of SMART IEP goals.

Resource: PDF S.M.A.R.T. IEP Goals: Questions to Consider
Collecting Data at Home

How do you know if  your child is meeting their IEP goals?  How can you collect data at home? Use the questions and suggestions attached to help you.

Resource: PDF Collecting Data at Home
Maryland Procedural Safeguards Notice

This notice includes an explanation of parental rights for children receiving services through an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) or an Individualized Education Program (IEP).

Resource: PDF Maryland Procedural Safeguards Notice
Dispute Resolution

PPMD has created this image to help you understand your available dispute resolution options.

Resource: PDF Dispute Resolution
History of Special Education

Do you know the history of Special Education? Use this factsheet to learn about the beginning of Special Education law to present day law.

Resource: PDF History of Special Education
Alphabet Soup: A Guide to Special Education Acronyms

There are lots of acronyms in the Special Education world, which can be very confusing. Use this list as a guide to understanding the meaning of Special Education acronyms.

Resource: PDF Alphabet Soup: A Guide to Special Education Acronyms
Model Letters

To make sure your requests, concerns and/or questions are understood, it is important to document them in writing. PPMD has a new resource that parents can use for specific requests and situations. Use these samples letters as models when you write your own.

Resource: PDF Discussing a Problem PDF Requesting a Due Process Hearing PDF Request a Meeting to Review Your Child's IEP PDF Requesting a Change in Your Child's Placement PDF Requesting an Independent Evaluation of Your Child PDF Requesting an Initial Evaluation For Special Education Services PDF Requesting Mediation PDF Requesting Prior Written Notice PDF Requesting Your Child's Records PDF Filing a Complaint with the State Education Agency PDF Requesting a Section 504 Plan PDF Request a Meeting to Review Your Child’s Progress -Letter PDF Requesting a Functional Behavior Assessment
Benefits of Effective Family Engagement: For Students, Parents, and Educators

This factsheet provides examples of the benefits of effective family engagement in three categories: benefits for students, benefits for parents, and benefits for educators.

Resource: PDF Benefits of Effective Family Engagement PDF Beneficios de la participaciónfamiliar efectivaPara estudiantes, padres y educadores
5 Special Factors in IEP Development

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) lists five special factors that your child’s IEP team must consider while developing your child’s IEP. Use this factsheet to learn about these five special factors.

Resource: PDF 5 Special Factors in IEP Development PDF Factores especiales en el desarrollo del IEP
Common Accommodations and Modifications in School

There are many ways teachers can help kids who are struggling in school. Here are some
common accommodations and modifications that schools and families can discuss as possible options for kids.

Resource: PDF Common Accommodations and Modifications in School PDF Adaptaciones y modificaciones comunes en la escuela
Integrated Tiered System of Supports

The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) supports using a multi-tiered or level system of supports. This gives educators the tools needed to meet the needs of ALL students. Learn about Integrated Tiered System of Supports with this factsheet.

Resource: PDF Integrated Tiered System of Supports
Free Appropriate Public Education

Use this factsheet to understand what it means to truly have Free and Appropriate Public Education.

Resource: PDF Free Appropriate Public Education PDF Educación Pública Gratuititay Apropiada (FAPE, por sus siglas en ingles)
Specially Designed Instruction Is and Is Not

Use this guide to understand what is and what isn’t Specially Designed Instruction (SDI).

Resource: PDF SDI Is and Is Not PDF Instrucción especialmente diseñada o Specially Designed Instruction en inglés (SDI)
Ditch the Clip! Why Clip Charts are NOT a PBIS Practice and What To Do Instead

Read this to learn why clip charts are inconsistent with a PBIS approach and can be harmful. This document also describes alternative strategies that are more likely to improve student behavior while promoting a safe, positive classroom.

Resource: PDF Ditch the Clip!
MSDE TAB: Home and Hospital Teaching Supplement on Students with Disabilities

View the Maryland State Department of Education’s Technical Assistance Bulletin on Home and Hospital Teaching. This document answers frequently asked questions, that you may have, about about Home and Hospital Teaching.

Resource: PDF MSDE TAB: Home and Hospital Teaching
Navigating the Special Education System Guide

Created by the Organization for Autism Research, this special education guide is designed to give each family the information and tools needed to successfully navigate the education system anywhere in the country.


Resource: URL Navigating Special Education
Extended Early Intervention Services

This fact sheet informs families about extending services from age 3 until kindergarten, through an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP).

Resource: PDF Extended Early Intervention Services
What Is The 5-day Rule and How Does It Affect Me?

This resource explains Maryland’s 5-Day Rule, a law that enables parents to prepare and participate in their child’s IEP.

Resource: PDF What Is The 5-day Rule and How Does It Affect Me? PDF ¿CUÁL ES LA REGLA DE LOS 5 DÍAS? ¿Y CÓMO ME AFECTA?
Introduccion a la Tecnologia de Asistencia

Infórmese sobre las opciones de la tecnología de asistencia (TA) que puden mejorar la independencia de personas con discapacidades.

Resource: PDF Introduccion a la Tecnologia de Asistencia
IEP Meeting Tips

Parents are equal members of the IEP team. Finding ways to effectively advocate for your child during IEP meetings can be difficult. These tips will help prepare you for your next meeting.

Resource: PDF IEP Meeting Tips
Maryland ABLE Informational Webinar

ABLE accounts allow individuals who receive benefits to maintain those benefits while building assets in a tax advantaged account. This session will provide an overview of the ABLE Act, a look at the features and specifications of the Maryland ABLE plan, information on treatment of account funds, and an opportunity for questions and answers.

Resource: PPMD Webinar Maryland ABLE Informational Webinar
Special Needs Trusts and ABLE Accounts

In this PPMD webinar, guest speaker Mr. Stephen Elville discussed Special Needs Trusts and ABLE Accounts, the benefits and drawbacks of both and what are the questions every family should ask before opening these accounts.

Resource: PPMD Webinar Special Needs Trusts and ABLE Accounts

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