Yes! Your Child CAN Go To College! Webinar
Yes! Your Child CAN Work! Webinar
PPMD’s Factsheets on Transition – Video
Supported Decision-Making for Youth and Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD)
Glosario de términos de transición
Toma de decisiones con apoyo
Supported Decision-Making
Period Education Guide
The Post Secondary Transition Podcast Featuring PPMD’s Audri Levering
Glossary of Transition Terms
IEP: Tips for the Transition Section
Self-Determination & Self-Advocacy
Empower YOUR future: Join YOUR IEP meeting!
Turning 18 in Maryland
Divulgación de discapacidad
Plan for Your Future – Maryland PROMISE
Supported Decision-Making Factsheet
What You Need To Know About Your Supplemental Security Income (SSI) When You Turn 18
Student Employment Services
Pre-Employment Transition Services for Students with Disabilities
Secondary Transition – Guide 4
Secondary Transition Planning Guide for Individuals with Disabilities
Transitioning Youth Initiative
This factsheet has information about the Transition Youth Initiative and how to become eligible and understand TY services and the application process.
Esta hoja informativa tiene información sobre la Iniciativa de Jóvenes en Transición y cómo ser elegible y comprender los servicios de TY y el proceso de solicitud.
Transitioning from Early Intervention Services to Preschool Services
This document explains transitioning from Early Intervention Services to Preschool Services. It includes a list of things to think about and ask your child’s team and a flow chart of important steps.
Pre Employment Transition Services
Learn about Pre-Employment Transition Services from PPMD and the Maryland State Department of Education Division of Rehabilitation.
PPMD 30th Anniversary Open Houses
Learn about the various services PPMD has to offer and who PPMD is based on the following categories:
- Early Childhood
- Spanish Speaking Families
- History of PPMD
- Transition
- School Age Children
Youth and Employment
Watch this webinar to learn about workforce development for your youth with disabilities and special healthcare needs.
Supplemental Security Income SSI for Young Adults
Learn the basics of Supplemental Security Income for Young Adults with this PPMD webinar.
Supported Decision-Making for People with Disabilities
Watch this webinar on Supported Decision Making for People with Disabilities is presented by Megan Rusciano, Esq. from Disability Rights Maryland. Also find related resources.
Transition to Adulthood: A guide to helping you and your student
This tool will help guide families of transition age youth on next steps during transition planning by their youth’s age.
Self-Directed Services: A Handbook for People with Developmental Disabilities Who Are Interested in Directing their DDA Services in Maryland
A handbook for people with Developmental Disabilities who are interested in directing their DDA services in Maryland.
Supported Decision Making for People with Disabilities
Watch this webinar on Supported Decision Making for People with Disabilities presented by Yetta Myrick, PPMD’s Health Information and Communications Specialist, sponsored by the Maryland Hub for Inclusive Higher Education. Also find related resources below.
How to Think College
Students should use this guide to help them conduct a college search.
Student College Resource Guide
Thinking about college can be overwhelming. There are so many decisions and so many options. It can
feel like the biggest decision of your life. But it’s really just a lot of little choices. This student guide pulls
together some information that we hope will help. Remember, you have to do what’s right for you. Trust yourself!!
Health Care Transition Webinar
Watch PPMD’s Health Care Transition webinar here to learn about the process of moving a child to an adult model of health care. Be sure to check out our companion factsheet for more Health Care Transition resources.
Transition in Maryland – 5 Tips for Families
Its Back to School Time! During this time of COVID when so many parents are figuring out and doing a great job around virtual learning, others are also thinking about transition. Transition planning is as important as reading and math. It is important for you, as the family of a student with a disability, to actively participate and partner in the transition planning process. In this video, we will provide you with Five helpful tips for developing a strong transition plan that will help your student with disabilities achieve their greatest potential. For questions about transition please contact The Parents’ Place of Maryland at 1-800-394-5694.
Transition Activities for School and Home
PPMD has compiled lists of transition activities to be used by educators and families. These lists include activities related to employment, postsecondary education, independent living, and activities specific for educators. Use these lists to find activities to support your transition aged youth.
Youth Workforce Programs and Services Brochure
Use this brochure provided by the Department of Labor to learn about youth employment services and programs in your area.
Questions to Ask When Selecting an Adult Service Provider
Ready to Select an Adult Service Provider for Your Young Adult with Disabilities?
If choosing an adult service provider or agency is part of your youth’s transition from school, you will want to be prepared with questions to ask to help you and your young adult determine which provider or agency is going to be the best suited to support his/her desired employment outcomes. Here is a list of questions that may be helpful in making this important decision!
A Guide for Transition to Adulthood
Created by the Organization for Autism Research, this guide provides information about autism and the transition to adulthood.
Taking Charge of My Health Care Toolkits
This toolkit from the Oregon Office on Disability and Health is designed to provide self-advocates with the knowledge, skills and tools to learn about how to best advocate for their health and health care.
Finding Adult Providers
Looking for a healthcare provider for transition to adulthood is vital. This factsheet offers key questions to consider, and to ask, while on your search.
The Role of School Nurses in Transition Planning
The nurse can be a vital member of the IEP team. This short video explains their role in the development of the IEP.
Estate Planning for Special Needs
This PPMD webinar, featuring Stephen Elville, covered basic estate planning, universal concepts about leaving assets and financial and tax planning aspects of special needs planning.
Putting it all Together Planning Financially for Special Needs
In this PPMD webinar, Eric Jorgensen dicussed ABLE accounts and Special Needs Trusts and how they can work together as well as First & Third Party Trusts.
Guardianship and Alternatives
In this PPMD webinar, guest speaker Stephen Elville discussed benefits and drawbacks of guardianship, alternatives to guardianship and the questions every family should ask before making the decision to pursue guardianship.
Maryland ABLE Informational Webinar
ABLE accounts allow individuals who receive benefits to maintain those benefits while building assets in a tax advantaged account. This session will provide an overview of the ABLE Act, a look at the features and specifications of the Maryland ABLE plan, information on treatment of account funds, and an opportunity for questions and answers.
Special Needs Trusts and ABLE Accounts
In this PPMD webinar, guest speaker Mr. Stephen Elville discussed Special Needs Trusts and ABLE Accounts, the benefits and drawbacks of both and what are the questions every family should ask before opening these accounts.
Alternatives to Guardianship Supported Decision Making
Morgan Whitlatch joined us for this PPMD webinar to discuss practical alternatives to guardianship particularly supported decision-making, a way people can make their own decisions and stay in charge of their lives, while receiving any help they need to do so.